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Sarah Hafiz
, E-learning

How to stimulate your learning community remotely?

Stimulating a community of adult, online learners can seem an insurmountable task given the challenges it poses. Trainees on a distance-learning course are autonomous and the activities are often asynchronous (i.e. no simultaneous exchange between learners and trainers). Several tools exist, however, to help you to transform a boring teaching experience into an engaging and […]
, E-learning

Virtual class: why does this teaching method encourage learner engagement?

Whether for professional training or more traditional education, e-learning is enjoying a real boom. School pupils and university students have had to adapt and use virtual classes in order to maintain a certain level of teaching continuity. Because they encourage interaction between teachers and participants, virtual classes make it possible to counter a certain lack […]
, E-learning

What are the advantages of digital learning courses?

Serious games, rapid learning, virtual classes, Mooc, Cooc and Spoc, etc. This type of jargon has flooded the market for professional training and can sometime seem a little ‘barbaric’ for the traditionalists among us. In reality, they reveal the many different forms that digital learning can take. It is precisely the infinite number of possibilities […]
, Software, Teaching methods, Training management

Creating your first professional training course

Are you a trainer and about to or have just set up a training company? Here are a few tips and best practices for creating your first training course. They apply to classroom-based courses, distance-learning courses and blended courses combining digital technology and face-to-face classes. Designing your first professional training course Designing a training course […]


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Differences for TVET Colleges and Universities in the UK - Digiformag

Differences for TVET Colleges and Universities in the UK

the power of mentoring for individuals and organizations

The Power of Mentoring Programs for Individuals and Organisations

Thinking Of Joining Vocational Training? Here’s How To Prepare In The UK

TVET - Woman learning to increase professional skills - Digiformag

What Is TVET? Here’s An Overview

Top 7 Effective Teaching Methods For Adult Learning

MOOC, COOC, SPOC, SOOC: what’s the difference?

Here’s Why You Should Consider Professional Training

Choosing your teaching method according to the course content

The all-in-one solution for training providers

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