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How to make your e-learning learner-centric?

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Learner-centric e-learning is not just jargon but is based on a real method: rather than designing your e-learning based on you (what you know, what you want to transmit and the medium with which you are most at ease), design your e-learning based on the learner. Easier said than done? Not really, once you have the right tools. Digiformag has therefore drawn up some concrete tips to help you create a course that will encourage learner engagement and breathe new life into your content.

Before we start, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do you learn best?
  • What learning activities do you find the most motivating?
  • How do you interact with other learners?
  • What difficulties do you encounter when you try to learn something new or develop a new skill?

By analysing your own experience as a learner, you are already on the road to adopting a learner-centric approach.

1. Diversify

Tip no. 1 for learner-centric training: diversification! Not all your learners are alike and they also have different needs. To find the best way to get through to them, think plural.

Diversify the devices

E-learning on a computer is very beneficial, but not wholly adapted to new and emerging habits. Why not try mobile learning, which is suitable for new teaching methods like ‘snacking’: the learner snacks on morsels of training over the course of the day or week. M-learning is more versatile than e-learning on a computer and gives you access to an entire population of learners who prefer to use their smartphone.

Diversify the scenarios

A user-focused experience means a personalized experience. Different generations will not have the same expectations of your training and should not necessarily have access to the same content.

Exploit the concept of scenarios: create several learning paths and only present each learner with what they need to know. Think about those stories in which you yourself are the hero and have to make decisions. The story takes a different turn depending on your response. It is the same in training: the trainees’ knowledge directs their learning. This encourages memorization (as you eliminate irrelevant content) and the retention of information.

Diversify the formats

Trainees also have diverse approaches to learning. Not everyone learns the same way, so why only offer a single type of course material? Vary the format in order to cover all the ways in which people learn. Here is a reminder of the standard profiles:

  • Global learner: visualizes the whole course and doesn’t get bogged down in details;
  • Analytical learner: takes things topic by topic and appreciates the content provided;
  • Cognitive learner: retains facts, theories and ideas better than neutral information;
  • Affective learner: motivated by the accomplishment of tasks and values feedback;
  • Psychomotor learner: drawn in particular to new things;
  • Visual learner: likes information to be visually displayed (slides and texts);
  • Auditory learner: retains oral information better and prefers podcasts and videos;
  • Kinetic learner: learns best through a hands-on approach and likes interactive experiences.

Depending on the profiles (either imagined or described by the trainees), include a variety of materials to help them better retain what they learn on your course.

2. Use games

Serious games are becoming increasingly important in the training world.

  1. Work continuously with the learner

You won’t improve your training without feedback from your learners: the key words here are iteration and continuous development. Collect feedback at several points to see where there may be friction.

  1. Develop tutoring

Support your trainees, answer their questions, help them to overcome obstacles and develop their motivation. The more you listen to them, the better they will appreciate your training.

There are many springboards to help you improve the design and content of your training and your relationship with your trainees. Select the one that most appeals to you or test several of them to find the solution to help you create truly learner-centric e-learning courses.


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