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add value to your cv
, Professional training, Tutorials

Here’s How to Ensure Your Training Courses Add Value to Your CV

In today’s competitive job market, including training courses on your resume or CV could just be the key to unlocking new career opportunities and getting those interview calls. Training courses encompass a variety of learning experiences, including workshops, seminars, online courses, and certifications – designed to develop specific skills or knowledge in a particular field. […]
, E-learning, Professional training

MOOC, COOC, SPOC, SOOC: what’s the difference?

Are you a trainer or training organization considering embarking on e-learning, whether for reasons linked to your business, to develop your brand awareness or simply because you are keen to start your digital transformation? The question is not whether or not you are making the right decision (you are) but how to get started with […]
, Professional training, Teaching methods

How to create an effective Blended Learning strategy?

Blended Learning is a training model composed of both classroom-based and distance-learning activities. Learners are supervised by a trainer and complete online training modules according to their schedules. With widespread access to new technologies and the generalized use of digital tools, blended learning is now more popular than ever. Its originality? The combination of distance […]


The most read

Differences for TVET Colleges and Universities in the UK - Digiformag

Differences for TVET Colleges and Universities in the UK

the power of mentoring for individuals and organizations

The Power of Mentoring Programs for Individuals and Organisations

Thinking Of Joining Vocational Training? Here’s How To Prepare In The UK

TVET - Woman learning to increase professional skills - Digiformag

What Is TVET? Here’s An Overview

Top 7 Effective Teaching Methods For Adult Learning

MOOC, COOC, SPOC, SOOC: what’s the difference?

Here’s Why You Should Consider Professional Training

Choosing your teaching method according to the course content

The all-in-one solution for training providers

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