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Adult Education Budget (AEB)
, Training news

What’s the Adult Education Budget (AEB) in the UK? 

Are you an adult looking to take up a course in the UK? The AEB is a vital funding initiative provided by the UK government to support individuals aged 19 and above in gaining new skills, advancing their education, and improving employability prospects.  With this government-funded programme at your disposal, you have the power to join […]
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, Interviews

What if you sold your training courses online?

The training world has been significantly affected by the Covid-19 crisis. In order to fulfil the obligation to provide distance courses, training organizations have had to quickly digitalize their operations. So what do you need to do to sell your online training courses more easily? Should you optimize your website? How can you optimize your presence on social media? Practical tips, explanations and feedback with Swann Le Moigne, founder of the agency Staenk.


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Differences for TVET Colleges and Universities in the UK

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