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Evaluation in e-learning is evolving: what are the new trends?

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All trainers agree that evaluation in training is essential. However, many fear doing it and, above all, changing it. The evaluation can leave a poor lasting impression of your training if it is incomplete, under-used and not sufficiently relevant. After taking a critical but constructive look at your current practices, browse the suggestions below to test and find your new approach.

Let us first turn the spotlight onto two engaging strategies which can take your evaluation in a different direction: coaching and self-assessment.

Technique 1: coaching

Coaching is more personal, longer, more in-depth and can be used very effectively for evaluation purposes. This approach is particularly effective if it addresses two issues:

  • Evaluation of the training;
  • Improvement of its practical application. Either so the learner applies more knowledge, or so they apply it for longer.

The principle of coaching is simple: one person (the coach) supports another person (the coachee), who designs themselves the course they will take. The coachee provides the topics for discussion based on their experience, the environment and their level of knowledge. It is therefore impossible to design the course in advance, which is what makes it particularly interesting.

Coaching uses 3 techniques to reinforce the training:

  • Reminders: the coach situates what has been learned in the context of the coachee’s day-to-day life to train them;
  • Cream skimming of the course content: the coach highlights the most important points covered according to the coachee’s profile, to enable the coachee to retain the information most important to them;
  • A step-by-step development plan: milestones creating a progress curve and making the training more concrete.

The coachee/learner thus retains what is really important, knows how to use it on a daily basis and sees themselves progress towards their final goal.

Coaching is very useful, though rather cumbersome to set up and may require a number of attempts. The trainer can, for example, revise the format of their evaluations and focus them more on sharing experience or testing other platforms/materials.

Technique 2: self-assessment

It is, of course, essential as a trainer to conduct regular evaluations throughout the e-learning course. Yes knowledge can be judged, but this is not the only KPI to bear in mind. The learner’s impressions of the training and its content are also key.

It is therefore up to you to create a space in which the learner can analyse themselves and break down their skills as well as their impressions. A system of self-positioning provides the trainee with a unique place to take a step back from their profile, training and aspirations. As such, they can develop their reflective approach and take stock of their professional maturity.

This self-positioning includes questions on their skills, attitudes and preferences in order to establish a full and realistic profile.

In the context of a change of job or the acquisition of new skills, self-positioning conducted prior to the training makes the forthcoming changes and expected new skills more concrete. When the learner appreciates the distance between their current knowledge and the knowledge they will acquire, they will have a better idea of the path that lies ahead.

Self-positioning is an interesting solution, but one that should be adapted according to your context and expectations. It works very well with a group when confronted with internal changes. In individual courses, its effectiveness remains to be proven, but it is worth a try.

The future of evaluation with regard to digital training courses lies in the human aspect: personalized supervision or self-assessment. Both solutions provide fuller responses, encourage the practical application of what has been learned and reconnect the learner to the course.

Apart from the two solutions covered here, be sure to always base any review of your evaluations on your learners. Take on board their spontaneous feedback, the arguments they use and whether or not their needs have been met. They are the ones who will help you to grow your e-learning business and continue to propose interesting and actionable content.


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