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Why Is Cultural Competence Important In TVET?

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In contrast with classrooms from decades ago, we’d find modern-day classes to be filled with students from various backgrounds. As exciting as it can be, these cultural differences can pose a challenge to TVET trainers unequipped with cultural competency – the capacity to comprehend, appreciate, and relate effectively with people from various cultural origins. Safe to say, cultural competence has evolved into an essential skill for educators, regardless of their classroom setting.



What is Cultural Competency?

Cultural competency is a set of skills that enables trainers to understand and effectively work with people from various cultural backgrounds. It entails recognising and accepting the impact of culture on individual ideas, attitudes, and behaviours. Cultural competence also implies being conscious of one’s own cultural biases and prejudices, as well as the ability to adapt to varied cultural circumstances – but is it relevant to the TVET industry?

▶️ Discover the Cultural Competence in 2 minutes

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ugzWjl2tv0&width=940&height=529&iv_load_policy=3&rel=-1[/embedyt]

Source : Caregiving Network

Why is Cultural Competency Important in TVET Training?

> Improved Communication

Cultural competency is critical in facilitating effective and meaningful communication between persons from different cultures. It helps with overcoming language barriers by understanding the nuances of different languages and communication styles. By being sensitive to linguistic differences, individuals can ensure that their messages are accurately conveyed and understood. Cultural competency also aids trainers in respecting cultural norms. Cultural norms are the unwritten rules that govern social behaviour within a culture. More often than not, friction between trainers and students can occur when either party lacks the knowledge of cultural norms. A culturally competent individual is able to recognise and respect these norms, which can help to build trust and rapport with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.


Enhanced Learning Outcomes

Cultural competence can improve learning outcomes in a variety of ways. It boosts student engagement by assisting trainers in cultivating an environment that is open and hospitable to students from diverse cultural backgrounds. This, in turn, has the potential to increase student engagement, which is critical for good learning outcomes. Students are more likely to participate in class and feel driven to study when their cultural identities are recognised.

Students’ problem-solving abilities might also benefit from cultural competency. Being exposed to diverse cultural perspectives, can lead to more imaginative solutions and assist students in becoming more effective problem solvers – which is one of TVET’s primary goals.

Developing Cultural Competency as a TVET Trainer

Globalisation and technological advancements have radically altered how we live, work, and interact with one another, which means there is no escaping diversity. The world is more interconnected than ever before, creating a demand for cultural competence from educators. According to Higher Education Student Data (HESA), there has been an increasing amount of ambitious international students in the UK – an optimistic sign that reflects a promising future that could be more open and inclusive.

Yet, as encouraging as that may be, diversity can be a challenge for those who are unable to navigate different cultures and opinions. Now that we’ve established the importance of cultural competency in TVET training, let’s have a look at some concrete steps TVET instructors can take to develop this crucial skill:

Begin By Learning About Different Cultures, Values, And Beliefs

Attend training courses, read books, and seek out tools to assist you to have a deeper understanding of cultural differences. This can include attending cultural events, reading about other cultures, and looking for cultural competency training available in the market.

> Assess Your Biases

Assessing and eliminating biases is an important component of gaining cultural competency as a TVET trainer. Evaluating biases entails recognising and investigating the conscious and unconscious ideas, attitudes, and behaviours that may influence how a trainer interacts with students from various cultures. Biases can emerge in numerous ways in the TVET setting, such as assuming a learner’s language proficiency, employing cultural stereotypes, or favouring certain learners over others.

> Be Conscious Of Your Communication Style

Understand that different cultures communicate in unique ways. To be more effective with learners from varied backgrounds, pay attention to nonverbal signs and alter your communication approach. displaying openness, empathy, and respect for their cultural experiences and values. Active listening, recognising and validating cultural differences, and being adaptable in therapeutic approaches can all contribute to this.

> Build An Inclusive Learning Environment

Acknowledge cultural diversity among your students and create a learning atmosphere that embraces and respects them. Encourage your students to share their cultural experiences and perspectives with one another to promote cultural interaction. This helps to a more inclusive learning environment and broadens all students’ perspectives.

In sum, cultural competency is an essential skill for TVET trainers in today’s diverse classroom. It enables trainers to create a more inclusive learning environment, understand their students’ needs, avoid misunderstandings and conflicts and improve the quality of their teaching. As TVET training grows more international and diverse, it is critical for trainers to increase their cultural competence in order to give their students the greatest possible learning experience.

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