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Cecile Vienne
, Teaching methods

What to make of snack content and micro learning?

Snack content and micro learning: Training fast food or a real learning innovation? Opinion is divided on this new trend, which has been the subject of much discussion in recent years. While some fear a potential loss of knowledge and skills, others see it as a great opportunity for improving their teaching practices, grabbing learners’ […]
, Teaching methods

The importance of educational alignment

As a trainer, are you familiar with educational alignment? Maybe it’s time you looked into it. This is fundamental concept in university teaching that has a lot to offer. Whether you are experiencing problems in your teaching or you simply want to improve, there is every reason to look at this concept more closely. This […]
, E-learning

How to innovate in distance training?

Innovation in e-learning is appealing to help you remain competitive, but where to start? Above all, it is important to avoid certain pitfalls and focus on the essential. Here we reveal all the keys to success. There are many reasons to innovate in distance training, particularly in the context of the current crisis. The supply […]
, E-learning

Adaptive learning: the future of training?

Adaptive learning has been a topic of interest in recent years and even more so with the crisis. Could this tool, which makes it possible to provide a personalized course, be the future?  What you need to know: advantages and limitations for training organizations. Adaptive learning has become a real buzzword! With the Covid-19 pandemic, […]


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Differences for TVET Colleges and Universities in the UK - Digiformag

Differences for TVET Colleges and Universities in the UK

the power of mentoring for individuals and organizations

The Power of Mentoring Programs for Individuals and Organisations

Thinking Of Joining Vocational Training? Here’s How To Prepare In The UK

TVET - Woman learning to increase professional skills - Digiformag

What Is TVET? Here’s An Overview

Top 7 Effective Teaching Methods For Adult Learning

MOOC, COOC, SPOC, SOOC: what’s the difference?

Choosing your teaching method according to the course content

Here’s Why You Should Consider Professional Training

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