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What if you sold your training courses online?

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The training world has been significantly affected by the Covid-19 crisis. In order to fulfil the obligation to provide distance courses, training organizations have had to quickly digitalize their operations.

So what do you need to do to sell your online training courses more easily? Should you optimize your website? How can you optimize your presence on social media?

Practical tips, explanations and feedback with Swann Le Moigne, founder of the agency Staenk.

Have you noticed certain trends concerning the sale of online training courses?


Clearly there is a before and an after with regard to Covid. Particularly in terms of our use of video and videoconferencing, and therefore indirectly our use of online training, which is increasingly perceived as a real alternative to training and not just a ‘bonus’. This trend is accompanied by another, slower, change: our increasing consumption of training. The concept of Lifelong Learning, already well established in the United States, is gradually arriving here in Europe. Purchasing an online course is becoming increasingly more normal. Lastly, micro-learning is very popular nowadays! This consists of short courses at a lower cost, which facilitate directly purchasing. In today’s world, digital training, e-learning and blended courses are more than just a trend and are growing very quickly. We are already several years in advance in terms of the digitalization of your courses.

Are there any prerequisites for launching your activity on social media and on the web?


Indeed this is a mistake we are all too well aware of at Staenk. Launching without any real strategy, without knowing your target and just seeing what happens: guaranteed failure! Finally, a web campaign requires the same degree of rigour as a physical campaign, starting with knowing who you are talking to, how you are talking to them and why. You absolutely must have a functioning website that is responsive (adapted to mobile technology) and quick. You website forms the basis for your communication with your targets.

How to know your target and win their trust?


Then you must swiftly get the ball rolling in terms of dialogue. The aim is to include your target and take their comments into account in order to create this sense of trust.


  • Define your target properly by entering into contact with your clients. Identify from your sales which is your major sector and publish surveys or key questions on your social networks. Lastly, you can go into your social media statistics and adapt your personas if necessary. It is possible to find information without conducting a market study per se. A study conducted via interviews can also give you a better grasp of your clients’ expectations.
  • Create a training catalogue as full and well-organized as possible (via categories). You target needs to understand what you have to offer, which is why you need to share a lot of information so that your target can really project themselves. Teaching method, course requirements, evaluations, etc.
  • Embody your expertise for greater credibility and to enable you in the long term to become a real reference in the field in question. Highlight your trainers, positive comments and your certifications.

How to make your website more visible for your audience?


Whether via a blog, webinars or partnerships, you need to be visible. Nowadays, there is high demand for content and quality. It is necessary to draft long articles; a few keywords are not enough. Gaining visibility is turning into a full-time job! Making your website visible involves search engine optimization, or ‘SEO’. SEO is the art of getting a website referenced on search engines.


  • Technical: your website must be indexable, rapid and responsive.
  • The content: regularly post quality content optimized for the search engines (including a rich lexicon) and share your expertise unconditionally.
  • Brand awareness: developing your brand awareness means interacting with other partners and setting up links, among other things. By generating traffic to your website, you can obtain contacts and therefore clients!

How to be present on social media while proposing relevant and interactive content?

I think there are two fundamental considerations here: visual image and attention span. Your clients need to be able to identify with your universe, or at least to be intrigued by it. In my opinion it pays to be original in a very competitive sector.

The other aspect is your prospects’ attention span, which is generally very short. You therefore need to offer formats that quickly grab their attention. The rotating banner is a good example. Social media is ideal for embodying your expertise. Over time, you become a reference in your field of expertise for your community and your team members can even become ambassadors for your training organization. If you are a freelance trainer, social media is even more useful for working on your image.


  • Many companies try to sell their image on social media and end up only talking about themselves. It is important to take your targets’ issues and concerns into account and propose content in line with their expectations: rotating learning banners, articles presenting an overview of your sector, etc.
  • We generally recommend LinkedIn or Facebook for communicating B2B via your personal profile. For B2C, Facebook and Instagram are the most visible.
  • Use the social network that suits you best and that you like the most.

How to embody your expertise on the web?

Having a blog is a real advantage, provided it does not remain superficial. Taking part in webinars is also a good source of visibility. LinkedIn, particularly via its Article feature, is also an increasingly effective way of embodying your expertise. A blog offers the undeniable advantage of enabling you to use the content via a number of channels and sharing it with your clients. Communicating with clients via a newsletter is also a simple and effective means of securing their loyalty.

Is advertising necessary to support the act of purchase?

IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOUR GOALS. Advertising is an accelerator, both in terms of time and results. It takes you to the next level. Advertising on search engines (Google or Bing) enables you to generate visibility quickly and achieve a short-term goal. In fact, there are marketplaces where you can display your whole catalogue, but a simple test via Google Ads will enable you to test the attractiveness of your offer.

Is a presence on the web as well as a sales strategy recommended?

NOT RECOMMENDED, OBLIGATORY. The web is unavoidable, except for a few ultra-niche sectors. On the other hand, being present on the web without dedicating the necessary resources (inactive website, social networks with no news, etc.) can have a significant boomerang effect. The web yes, but done properly. These days, our first reflex is to visit a company’s social media pages or website. It is vital that you present a reassuring image through social proof to accompany the act of purchase.

The toolbox

To ensure a presence on the web

  • Canva for the creation of graphic content.
  • Buffer & Hootsuite for scheduling your social media posts.

Sharing your expertise

  • Blog
  • YouTube channel
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Social networks

Social networks sheet

Social networks for training:

  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • Instagram



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