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Here’s Why You Should Consider Professional Training

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These days, the job market is definitely changing rather rapidly and it’s quite competitive – which emphasises that it’s more important than ever for employees to possess a diverse set of skills that can help them stay competitive and relevant. Professional training is a great way to develop your skills and advance in your career. But what is it exactly?

What is Professional Training?

Professional training is any type of education that is designed to help individuals develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen profession. Professional training can be delivered in a variety of ways, including in-person workshops, online courses, on-the-job training, and coaching and mentoring programs. The training can be provided by internal or external trainers and can be customised to meet the specific needs of the organisation and its employees.

Why is Professional Training Important?

Investing in professional training provides numerous benefits for both employees and employers. Here are the top four reasons why it’s worthwhile the hours employees need to put in:

  • Increased Productivity

The positive link between productivity and professional training is nothing new. Plenty of studies have pointed out how employee training leads to better self-efficacy and enables employees to perform their job more effectively with a new boost of confidence. This leads to increased productivity, which in turn can positively impact the bottom line of the business. For instance, a survey by Gallup found that companies that work on employees’ strengths can see an increase of 8-18% in productivity. To facilitate professional training at the workplace, consider implementing personal learning accounts if you’re in Wales –  a programme supported by the Welsh Government that provides access to sponsored courses and professional qualifications that aid in career advancement. Alternatively, look into paid professional training leave for in-demand skills.

  • Better Job Satisfaction

 When employees receive training that allows them to perform in their roles better, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their work. This corresponds with a survey from Sapio Research in 2022 that reported a majority of those who responded believed they were working in a high-productive company and were provided with the right training for their job. In contrast, 42% of respondents felt they were unproductive and were not provided with training at their workplace – suggesting that lack of professional training leads to feelings of incompetence and dissatisfaction with the workplace.

  • Enhanced Skillset 

Professional training is one way to promote lifelong learning – which can be crucial to motivate employees to grow, both professionally and personally. Providing employees with professional training enables employees to update their knowledge and acquire new skills that can help them perform their job roles more effectively, leading to increased opportunities for career advancement and personal growth in the workplace. 

  • Reduced Employee Turnover 

Based on the average salary in the UK, the cost per employee turnover is £11,000 – a no small amount if dozens of employees quit per year, plus other additional costs like recruiting and more. By upskilling employees, they receive training that can aid them to perform their job roles more effectively and are more likely to feel valued and supported by their employer. This can lead to reduced turnover and the associated costs of recruiting and training new staff.

Now that we’re familiar with the benefits that come along with upskilling employees, what types of professional training are out there?

Types of Professional Training

Professional training can take many forms, depending on the needs of the organisation and its employees. Overall, these training programs could be summed up as the following:

  • Technical Training

Technical training helps employees develop specific skills related to their job roles. This can include everything from software training to equipment operation and maintenance. Think of data visualisation, human resource management software and more. In the UK alone, there’s a plethora of institutions to choose from, including London Software Training and LSA Training.

  • Soft Skills Training

Soft Skills Training develops employees’ competencies such as communication, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. Arguably fundamental in any work’s day-to-day, soft skills training can be great for employees looking to level up on their leadership or even communications skills. 

Due to globalisation and more diversity in the workplace, a hot topic in soft skills training today that might be worth checking out would be emotional intelligence (EQ), which encompasses empathy – an integral part of EQ that emphasises better human interactions and communication. In the UK, there’s a wide selection of EQ training providers to opt for – including Ihasco and Reed University to name a few.

  • Industry-Specific Training 

Industry-Specific Training helps employees develop knowledge and skills related to the specific industry in which the organization operates. This can include training on regulations, standards, and best practices. For instance, the SMCR is a regulation related to governance in the finance sector that must be adhered to. PartnerVine is one of the many examples of SMCR trainers that you may look into.

  • Management Training 

Management Training has remained one of the most popular professional training courses to take throughout the last few decades. This training program can help employees develop skills related to leadership, coaching, and team management. This can be especially beneficial for employees who are transitioning into management roles. Plenty of institutions provide management training programs for keen learners. Some of these training providers include the Moller Institute, In Professional Development (INPD) and the University of York.


In sum, professional training is essential for both employees and employers. It provides employees with the skills, knowledge, and competencies they need to perform their job roles more effectively, while also providing employers with a range of benefits, including increased productivity, improved job satisfaction, and reduced employee turnover. With a fast-moving job market, it’s likely things will only get more exciting (and challenging) as we move forward – which signifies now is a good time as any to start cracking on a new professional training course.


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