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, E-learning

Distance learning: how to get off to a good start!

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Professional training can look forward to a bright future with e-learning, now a major industry.

But what actually is e-learning? According to the European Union, an e-learning course means using the Internet to improve the quality and comfort of learning, while facilitating exchanges and remote collaboration. Nowadays, the market offers a plethora of software programs enabling training centres to create their first e-learning courses in a few simple steps.

Should you be worried about the arrival of these new digital competitors or, on the contrary, seize the opportunity to expand your business?

I am a training centre: why should I offer e-learning?

Creating distance-learning courses implies real commitment: you need to take ownership of the course creation tool, market your courses and then manage them properly. You cannot therefore decide to provide e-learning solely in order to take advantage of the associated publicity effect! Below is a list of some (very) good reasons to take the plunge and offer distance learning.

Lower overheads for more courses!

The first obvious advantage of distance learning: lower management costs. Not only can you say goodbye to the logistical problems of room management, but you also have the possibility of reaching a greater number of potential clients! Your training business is therefore no longer limited to the human hours you are able to dedicate to it and is free to grow more quickly!

A more flexible learning method

We all learn differently in terms of how we acquire information, manage tests, concentrate, etc. Basically, a number of different learner profiles exist. Why not adapt to your trainees’ needs and offer them training that corresponds more to their profile?

By offering different types of distance learning, you enhance the image of your teaching approach and broaden your reach to more clients!

Organizing your first distance-learning course: our tips.

It’s all very well to offer e-leaning. But how? Distance learning should be approached differently to a classroom-based course and requires a little technical expertise. Like a classroom-based course, you must find your own style and pace and adapt your content; it is a strategic decision that requires a certain amount of time to set up. Here are our tips for a smooth launch.

E-learning vs. face-to-face: the format is evolving!

We do not learn the same way through distance learning as we do in a more traditional, classroom context. You therefore need to adapt the content of your face-to-face courses in order to structure and facilitate them differently. First step: ask yourself who the course is for. The content and tools you use will vary depending on whether you are training young adults, techies or people in more traditional professions. It’s up to you to decide!

Find the best tool for you

There are many tools available for creating online training courses. Depending on what you want to do and, above all, on your computer skills, you have the choice between more or less complex software. Many e-learning software publishers give you the option of testing their solution and provide a webinar presenting its different features: a good way of knowing if the software is right for you or not!

Don’t get discouraged

Creating your first distance-learning course is a real challenge! To provide a perfect training course from the outset, be sure to test your modules, activities and logical progressions regularly. Feel free to ask a couple of beta-testers for help, even if it means offering them free access to the course.

Don’t be too ambitious for your first course: limit yourself to one or two innovative features and focus on the content. You will have plenty of time to innovate later.

Think about how to market your course

A successful training course is one that attracts lots of participants! Remember to talk to your usual clients about your new training format: proposing e-learning sessions in addition to face-to-face classes can be very well appreciated. In addition to saving your partner companies money, you create a real way of securing their loyalty: they will always come back for more!


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