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, E-learning

Five obstacles to avoid when starting out in e-learning

There a various ways of creating an e-learning course but the same mistakes tend to crop up again and again. In this article, we have drawn up a list of the 5 most common mistakes made by beginners in e-learning and offer some practical advice for avoiding them! Mistake no. 1: Transposing your face-to-face course […]
, E-learning

Distance learning: how to get off to a good start!

Professional training can look forward to a bright future with e-learning, now a major industry. But what actually is e-learning? According to the European Union, an e-learning course means using the Internet to improve the quality and comfort of learning, while facilitating exchanges and remote collaboration. Nowadays, the market offers a plethora of software programs […]
, E-learning

What are the advantages of digital learning courses?

Serious games, rapid learning, virtual classes, Mooc, Cooc and Spoc, etc. This type of jargon has flooded the market for professional training and can sometime seem a little ‘barbaric’ for the traditionalists among us. In reality, they reveal the many different forms that digital learning can take. It is precisely the infinite number of possibilities […]
, E-learning

Three tips for making in-company training more interactive

The importance of digital technology in all spheres of life, both private and professional, is no longer debatable. In-company training can also benefit from digital technology, particularly to make classroom-based learning more dynamic. In this article, we offer trainers three ideas for making their classroom-based training more interactive and innovative.  1 — Draw inspiration from […]


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Differences for TVET Colleges and Universities in the UK - Digiformag

Differences for TVET Colleges and Universities in the UK

the power of mentoring for individuals and organizations

The Power of Mentoring Programs for Individuals and Organisations

Thinking Of Joining Vocational Training? Here’s How To Prepare In The UK

TVET - Woman learning to increase professional skills - Digiformag

What Is TVET? Here’s An Overview

MOOC, COOC, SPOC, SOOC: what’s the difference?

Top 7 Effective Teaching Methods For Adult Learning

What Makes an Effective Vocational Trainer? Equip These 21st-Century Skills

Child disguised as a police man - UK Policies And The TVET Industry, Here's What You Need To Know - Digiformag

UK Policies And The TVET Industry, Here’s What You Need To Know

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